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We help companies create pipelines and drive revenue.


The marketplace is extremely competitive. Obtaining and keeping the attention of both current and potential customers alike is difficult. We have developed a systematic method that works in all sectors and verticals.  


Experience has taught us that even the most successful companies are leaving unrealized gains and clients on the table. Our patented sales method helps new and experienced firms breathe new life into their sales.


Sales isn't just and act; its an organic process involving people, circumstances, cultures, and events. Our firm can help you reintroduce your products and/or services in ways you never quite imagined. 


Isn't it time for your business to reach its apex? Your greatest success is just around the corner.

The relationship most people have with sales and business development is that of love hate relationship. Every firm loves the success yielded by successfully conveying the value of a service/product offers, but hate the process of actually doing the selling. 


That's where we enter the fray, Our method utilizes millions of years of human evolution to help firms obtain more clients and sales. 


Law Firms

According to American Bar Association, every dollar spent on marketing yields four to seven dollars in revenue. By combining marketing dollars with our scientific sales system, the output is success and new clients. 


Sharing the value of technology in an era of instant information can be a challenge. With our methodology of business development we can deliver a steady stream of clients eager to work with your firm.


Selling energy related services normally involves bidding. However, there are numerous clients that will engage your services if approached with our method involving a profitable cross of supply and demand.

Special Services

Don't see your industry? We have worked with nearly every sector and/or industry. 

Additionally, we also offer access a number of business services that assist in the journey to profitably by all of our clients.

Accountants & CPAs

Taxes are not only required but necessary component of the economy. We have worked with tax and accounting firms of all sizes to grow their business by as much 25% annually. 


Logistics and supply chain services are at the crux of business, both domestically and internationally. We have worked with logistics firms of all sizes to grow their sales and client base.


Full Funnel Strategy

We combine digital tactics with our patented sales and marketing system to build awareness, get leads and close deals. It’s what we call Full Funnel client acquisition.

Outsourced Sales

Possessing a great team is no longer enough to remain competitive in today's marketplace. Our Outsourced Sales Team service combines data, content and millions of years of biological evolution to drive profits for your firm.

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